When I look back at my early career, I am reminded of my ability to move on and move up. This means that sometimes we must go to grow. Do not limit your experiences to only your hometown. There is so much more to it than that. Consider exploring all parts of the country and the world. You never know where life will take you. There might be circumstances where your current employer is unwilling to promote or advance you. This is frustrating but also should be a sign to explore other options. The best thing we have in life is our options to pursue different opportunities. Moving forward in our career requires us to take calculated risks and potentially move to another organization. We must not become complacent but instead open our eyes to opportunities.
Embracing New Opportunities: The Journey of Collin Mays
Collin Mays understands the importance of exploring new opportunities. After years in the public sector, I ventured off to begin my own business. It’s essential always to reinvent yourself and challenge yourself to grow! Go to grow and advance, not only professionally but personally as well. There will always be obstacles. The most important thing is to keep going. Collin Mays understands the importance of staying the course. Through good and evil, we must keep moving forward.
Isn’t life filled with twists and turns? Sure, we experience many highs, but also several lows. Sometimes, our setbacks and challenges drown out our highs. Sometimes, obstacles confront us and may derail our progress. However, progress is relative and in the eyes of the beholder. Do not worry about the pace; instead, be concerned with progress overall. Any progress is good progress. We must learn to take the good with the bad and keep going. I am reminded of the Detroit Lion’s motto, “Grit.” It is so true that in order to see forward progress, you must have grit and not throw in the towel, no matter how difficult the challenge is. So today and every day, you are facing obstacles, keep going. That is the true sign of a champion. It is not the critic that counts. It is the person who is able to persevere and push forward that wins.